
What's New in .NET Framework 4.5.1

07/10/2013 14:22

New .Net framework 4.5.1 is now available for .Net developers to improve work performance and output quality. Here I listed some major features which is including in new version.

Added Features of .Net Framework 4.5.1

  • New .Net Framework 4.5.1 provides automatic Binding redirection facility for assemblies

  • It also provide developers to collect diagnostics information that helps to improve the performance of server application and cloud application

  • This new framework has ability to explicitly compact the big object heap during the collecting garbage

  • It also provides some additional performance improvements i.e. ASP.Net app suspension, faster app start up, multi-core JIT improvements and many more

  • It also support more than 2 GB larger array on 64 Bit Platform

  • It provide batter performance at the time of retrieving resources

For more detail about other features visit here.

If are developer and want to develop any .Net application then you can use this latest framework in your development process otherwise you can hire an expert developer to fulfill your requirements.


Why Use ASP.NET?

12/09/2013 10:47

There are many programming languages available to develop any web applications. All among these ASP.NET is the most popular programming language. Here I described basic information about ASP.NET that helps you to understand about "Why Use ASP.NET"

Check out the given presentation that decribe the overview of ASP.NET:

Check out the video that describe information regarding why use ASP.NET...

I hope given information helps you to choose the programming language for website development. For more information ragarding to develop any web applications or websites visit Hidden Brains.
